Posts from — May 2015
Better with Bacon – Bacon Barley Risotto
Another savory dish from our friends up north! This would make a great side dish for, say, a 14 oz. bacon wrapped filet?!?
Man, I just made my stomach rumble…
Check it out after the jump… [
May 25, 2015 No Comments
Effective Email – “Bacon is Love”
So after my horrendous day yesterday and physical inability to get out of bed, I had a lot of email to get through today.
An effective email should have a strong subject line, maybe something like this…
“Bacon is LOVE!”
That was the actual line in a message today from one of my favorite establishments, Archie McPhee.
I joined the cult of McPhee over a decade ago after I bought some giant light bulb lamps for a party I was hosting (also picked up a pair of giant underpants just for the heck of it). Over the year’s I’ve bought the occasional rubber chicken and bizarre action figure, but what I truly appreciate about McPhee’s is there great line of bacon themed products.
In today’s email the first product featured was …
Not only does the face of the watch have our own Mr. Bacon on it, but the watchband looks like a delicious piece of bacon. It will take all your willpower to keep from gnawing it off your arm. Perfect for the meat lover!
Bacon watch not your speed, well how about the bacon dental floss, a bacon wallet, bacon band aids or even bacon gunballs.
Oh Archie, you truly know the way to my heart!
May 24, 2015 No Comments
Saturday Morning Video Funhouse…
This is a lengthy, but informative video clip from Alton Brown’s “Good Eats” show on the Food Network…
Curin’, dryin’, smokin’, cuttin’ and cookin’ bacon!!! Oh Yeah!
Have a great weekend everyone.
May 22, 2015 No Comments
Better with Bacon – Bacon Onion Rolls
Let’s face it, bread is so boring. Yeah there are a bunch of different types, textures and tastes…but at the end of the day, it’s just a bit blah. That’s why we are always coming up with things to dunk, spread, wrap, cover, soak, etc. our bread.
Ya’ll know what bread needs??? BACON!Â
[photo via cooking crave]
Here is a great recipe for tasty dinner rolls that everyone will love, from the blog “Cooking Crave“.
May 21, 2015 No Comments
Saturday Afternoon Video Funhouse…DOLPH!!!!
The only thing this clip has in common with bacon is that they are BOTH AWESOME!
Ladies and Gentlemen…DOLPH LUNDGREN!!
I am not going to tell you what happens here because that will spoil the AWESOMENESS!! Get a mop ready cause I’m about to explode your mind!
May 20, 2015 No Comments
Wait, Wait…
One of my favorite shows on NPR is “Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me!”Â
Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! is NPR’s weekly hour-long quiz program. Each week on the radio you can test your knowledge against some of the best and brightest in the news and entertainment world while figuring out what’s real news and what’s made up.
As it is my job to find interesting bacon (and nerd) related subjects/content, I present to you this Bacon-filled “Listener Limerick Challenge” from the  April 11th broadcast.
You can listen to the show on the “Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me” website or download the podcast through iTunes. In Detroit, it’s on WDET-FM (101.9) every Saturday at 10:00 am. Try it, you’ll like it!
May 18, 2015 No Comments
BEST OF TDB | Saturday Morning Video Funhouse – Istanbul…
We are away on vacation until July 12th. Until then, please enjoy these selected “Best Of” posts. This was originally published on 12/1/2009 and always makes me smile!
When I saw this, I felt so good to be alive! My life is better for having experienced it So now I share this piece of video wonder with you…
BRA-FREAKIN’-O! Here’s to you Craig Ferguson!
May 17, 2015 No Comments
Better with Bacon…ABT’s
This recipe comes from former Fathead collegue Jen (SHOUT OUT!). She posted it on our Facebook Group for “The Daily Bacon”
They are called Atomic Buffalo Turds…I know…yummy. But trust me…I think these are going to have to go into the Test Kitchen.
Here is a list of ingredients to make approximately 20 ABT’s.
20 Fresh Jalapenos (Pick the straighter ones when you choose)
20 Cheddar Lit’l Smokies (1 package contains approximately 36 sausages)
1 Pkg. Cream Cheese (8 oz.)
2 Lbs. Bacon ½ or 1 strip per ABT
1/8 Med. Mexican Sweet Onion (Diced)
1 Tblspn. Turbinado Sugar
The link to the complete recipe and photos can be found here.
May 16, 2015 No Comments
Bringin’ Up A Bacon Baby – Breakfast with Daddy!
Coming up on Lil’s 3rd birthday, so I’m starting to be comfortable with her having a little bacon, but I’m afraid bacon may already have her in it’s clutches…
A few weeks ago, we were at breakfast with friends and Lil’ reaches over and just takes the bacon of my plate and starts chewing…what?!? You take MY bacon?
Then we have family over for breakfast last week and there go her little hands into the serving plate and up with slices.
And now today…we’ll she’s wavin’ it all around, gnawin’ on it like some type of animal…
That’s my girl! ;-)
May 14, 2015 No Comments
Better with Bacon – Glazed Bacon-Wrapped Chicken…
Here’s a recipe from my own backyard, courtesy of a segment on Fox 2 Detroit this morning…
Okay, the recipe technically wasn’t from here as I alluded to above…but that Stubb’s truck stopped just south of my home at the TV station and they had them on this morning, so I’m claiming it for “The D”.
Regardless of all of that…it sure does look good doesn’t it?!? If you are headin’ to A Double this Saturday for the big college showdown, I’m thinking you’re gonna want to find the truck.
Make it a great weekend. GO GREEN!
May 12, 2015 No Comments